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Как установить рекламный банер в шапке сайта Ucoz
16.12.2010, 21:28
Разместите ваше обьявление на нашем сайте почти даром. Подробнее на страничке обмен ссылками

Всем привет!!!
Чтобы установить банер в шапку сайта, для начала скопируйте этот html код:

<layer name="Baner" top=0 left=0 >

<div id="Baner" style="position:absolute; top:50; right:90;">
<center>код вашего банера (ссылок, кнопок и.т.д.)

На 3-ей строчке меняется расположение банера взависимости какая у вас шапка сайта, данные значения подстроены под мой сайт, меняем top и right значения на свои. Если хотите разместить
банер в левой части сайта замените right на left. Данный код устанавливайте в редакторе html cтраниц, вставляем его в самый вверх html кода странички (так для всех страниц где хотите видеть банер). Этот код очень удобен тем что, можно устанавливать в шапке страниц сайта разные банеры...

6 голосов
Категория: интернет | Добавил: alex_sf777
Просмотров: 15528 | Загрузок: 0 | Комментарии: 13 | Рейтинг: 4.8/6

Всего комментариев: 10
1 kostya • 00:05, 30.08.2011 [Материал]
спасибо большое
2 Чикарика • 22:53, 08.01.2012 [Материал]
3 Ярослав • 10:29, 05.05.2012 [Материал]
Хороший сайт!!! На разные темы,порталы и т.д
4 www.animarv.ru • 17:06, 17.05.2012 [Материал]
5 Павел • 22:58, 24.06.2012 [Материал]
6 leonid • 22:07, 22.07.2012 [Материал]
заходите регистрируйтесь по ссылке клевая игра гарантирую http://tankionline.com#friend=8023a452b
7 Всё для ucoz • 21:58, 27.08.2012 [Материал]
8 youto007 • 00:02, 27.10.2012 [Материал]
Огромный респект и уважение за такой скрипт!!! smile
9 Алек • 00:58, 21.02.2013 [Материал]
xmon.do.am Заработок в интернете!
10 BrediaDersert • 09:13, 17.06.2013 [Материал]
I liked it, do hope you do too:] Seann William Scott and gretchen Mol are perfect actors. The storyplot moves very slow and has now few highs or lows, if any. At the end I felt as if it easily may have been a 40 minute movie with all the second half supporting the place that the first half was taking us. Ouch. It's surprising none of the "alcoholics" started drinking again during filming... I became fooled by warnerbros and failed to read the reviews before renting this movie. How could Warner Bros can certainly produce a movie this way???? It all crap from beginning to the end. The actors that participate in the movie find another job or you'll starve.. Well the same for the director... After A few minutes of watching the movie I have fast forwarded and seen and understood the stupid movie in abut 3 minutes. P.S This isthe first-time I write an assessment and the belief that I am writing is simply because tricked me off my 3.99 USD..Shame for you Warner Bros... Crap, I'm a Tim Burton fan and appreciate great artwork after i see it.. though the story didn't perform artwork much justice in any respect. It was a pretty cool story, but almost belonged in the Disney movie (just a little more PG-13). The complete concept was based on a game like model. Comparing it to your video game, BioShock was more artistic along a much better story. The voodoo doll robot characters have the ability to... or at least form of have.. these "special abilities", none ones seem too creative. Lots of the characters are poorly defined by anything in addition to their appearance and voice. The ending was somewhat disappointing. Overall the film didn't leave me very inspired, nor did it leave me deep in looked into it's meaning. Beetlejuice was better. heh.. Still worth watching while you are in the mood for any little eye candy. When my lady asked me some tips i thought of it after we had finished watching, I just said "meh". I've just seen a number of this movie on Spike TV and I have to say, I really like it! Not merely beacuse its action as well as a female kicking a*s movie but it surely is a good movie. It is a must see. So BUY lol. I have 3 Angelina movies. I cant watch for this one. entertaining. good staging. fairly good acting. as well as the story is real that makes it sufficiently compelling.simply mind boggling how similar every one of these arch criminals are/were.what's particularly fascinating will be the leniency, i would even say the humanity, of euro justice.caveat: i'm an italophile i really was prejudiced in favor of this movie.'si non é vero, é ben raconti' When you didn't like "The Da Vinci Code" that's fine. "The Da Vinci Code" was obviously a good movie but "Angels & Demons" is WAY better. It's not confusing and it also keeps yourself on the edge of the seat anticipating what's just about to happen. With and plot that's great and also a surprising ending, this movie is worth more than seeing once. I've look at the book and so they changed a few things but I was extremely impressed by how they changed it nevertheless kept the thrill of it and stayed near true to it with the ending. Tom Hanks does well within this one i can't wait for an next movie. I have not read the new book on the other hand hope smashing! This movie has the rating of AWESOME!; )
1 1

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